Advance Machines FAQ
No. Advance Equipment Mfg. is the manufacturer of the paste machine. We do sell exclusively through distributors. You can find a listing of distributors on the dealer page. If you are still having trouble please call Customer Service at 800-621-4516.
Yes. Most distributors do not stock paste machine parts. We can take a credit card order from you for parts only if you are having trouble locating them. Please call Customer Service at (800) 621-4516
The machine itself weighs approximately 132 lbs. in the carton.
The 62" Advance Paste Mate carton dimensions are 73" x 18" x 20". We normally ship them LTL via common carrier on our pallet, the dimensions are 74" x 24" x 24".
The Pasting Machine, the rolling stand and the measuring counter.
No. The Booking Table and Transport Shelf are both sold separately. Neither of these items are needed to put paste on paper. Some installers prefer a different type of table for booking. We have many styles of tables available to choose from. The transport shelf is a great place to set a bucket of adhesive. There is a storage case available as well.
Yes. The paste machine manual is available on the Advance website. It can be found by looking up the paste machine associated with it. We can also send a copy by mail if you call Customer Service at (800) 621-4516
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Mix paste in a 5 gallon bucket until the consistency of pancake batter. Pour evenly into Paste Mate and stop before reaching the full line indication.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Locate the plug at the bottom of the paste tray. Pull plug and drain into bucket. Clean roller and inside of Paste Mate with warm water.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
As the wallcovering is pulled through the Paste Mate the counter will show the length in inches.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
See mixing and thinning the paste. The paste should be the consistency of pancake batter. If the paste is too thick it forces the paste roller and the adjusting roller apart allowing too much paste in the middle.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Locate the adjustment lever on the side of the Paste Mate. Pull the lever out and click into the desired thickness hole needed for the job. The more OPEN the more paste. The more CLOSED the less paste.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Set the Adjustment lever toward close.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Set the Adjustment lever toward open.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Make sure to load the wallcovering so it will unroll from the top, NOT the bottom.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
See adjusting the side plate. The side plate should be forward toward the user.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Distance between bottom roller and paste roller should be 0.025. Distance between paste roller and adjusting roller should be 0.002 in the closed position.
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration:
Watch this video for a step by step demonstration: